Bumble Bee's Craft Den

I enjoy crafting and like to try my hand at different things. If there is anything that you see on here that you would like made, please feel free to contact me bumblebeescraftden@gmail.com or by going to my page on Facebook www.facebook.com/bumblebeescraftden. You can post on the wall or send me a message there. I appreciate any comments that people leave so please feel free to comment!!!

Saturday, 10 December 2011

Sock Creations

I've had a few enquiries about buying Sock Kitties recently.  I do take orders and if you are on Facebook you can go to my Bumble Bees Craft Den page on there and contact me or if you aren't on Facebook then you can email me bumblebeescraftden@gmail.com and I will get back to you.

I only post within the UK as it's too difficult to track parcels going out of the UK - so sorry to anyone that is not in the UK!!

Here's another mini Sock Kitty that I made for someone last week.

And a couple of Sock Monkeys

Bye for now!


  1. Lovely makes, the monkeys looks so neatly done and I just love the little cat xx


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